You + Me = Change
Our Lochinver Environmental Organisation (LEO) continues to work hard to raise awareness about the adverse effects of climate change and how we can all do our bit to reduce the hugely detrimental impact it is having on our beautiful planet.
Last term, we took part in the Woodland Trust’s ‘Big Climate Fightback’ by planting trees in our grounds and many of our families also planted trees and shrubs at home. Boys also purchased paper fallen autumn leaves at school to display in the Theatre Foyer, with messages of encouragement to others to do the same.
This term, the boys have enjoyed Wild Hair Mufti day in exchange for a small donation towards the purchase of land through the World Land Trust. This land is to be permanently set aside for growing trees and we are delighted to share that together with the money collected for the fallen leaves, we have now raised over £500, which is enough to purchase 5 acres of land in Mexico or Ecuador.
We are now looking forward next term when we will collect pre-loved shoes to send to others who will enjoy wearing them.
Our Lochinver Environmental Organisation would like to thank our whole community for your continuing support!