We are very excited to announce that we will be welcoming girls into Little Lochies, Reception, and Years 1 and 2 from September 2025.


Let the fun and games begin …

One of the highlights of the Pre Prep calendar is Sports Day and this year’s was certainly no exception!

Thankfully, the forecasted heavy rain held off whilst the boys sprinted, tackled the obstacle course, threw their balls, jumped both high and low, space hopped and ended with the excitement of the relay races!  Everyone gave of their best and persevered throughout a feast of sporting endeavour.  It was impressive to see the boys cheering each other on and taking defeat so graciously.  We are super proud of you all, boys!

Our thanks go do our wonderful parents for taking the time to come and support Sports Day and we must also thank the Pre Prep team for their support and guidance throughout year.  However, the success of the event would not have been possible without the year-round, specialist sports coaching the boys receive from our talented Games and PE staff: Mr Barth, Mr Griffin and Mr Evans and our two gap students, Mr Weaver and Mr Condon.

Thank you and here’s to 2020!

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