We are very excited to announce that we will be welcoming girls into Little Lochies, Reception, and Years 1 and 2 from September 2025.

Middlesex Cricket Selection

We were thrilled to hear the great news that Rishi, Year 5, has been selected for the Middlesex County U11 cricket squad for the 2021 season.  This in itself is very impressive but Rishi, one of the younger boys in the age category, has also been chosen to be part of the Leadership Team for his age group.  And, if that isn’t enough, Rishi is only one of 15 boys who made it to the Summer Squad out of more than 5000 others, who started the Middlesex pathway stage.


We could not be more proud of Rishi’s achievements, we heartily congratulate him and we wish him every success in the coming season!


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