We are very excited to announce that we will be welcoming girls into Little Lochies, Reception, and Years 1 and 2 from September 2025.

Lochinver House Head Boys’ Charities – 2021-2022

We were incredibly impressed by our Year 8 boys last Friday morning.

They had been working really hard to nominate charities for our consideration and support this year.  Six charities were shortlisted and on Friday morning, small teams of boys gave enormously professional, passionate and persuasive presentations about each of these 6 charities to our school community.

This year, the process led by the boys but supported by Year 8 Form Tutors, Head of Year and Mrs Barry and Mr Donohoe was even more impressive. Introduced by our Head Boys Oliver and Ben, some boys presented in person within school, some boys did so from home, some boys voted digitally in school and some voted digitally from home and the whole assembly ran seamlessly between the two.  On top of that, some classes were present in the theatre and some were dialled in from their classrooms via their class teacher’s PC and interactive whiteboard.

The immensity of the logistical challenge was not to be underestimated and this was a powerful exercise in one of our fundamental British values – that of democracy!  Staff and pupils across the school voted with each voice and each choice being counted.

We are now delighted to announce that the Head Boys’ charities we will support for the coming academic year will be The Sahara Conservation Fund, Supporting Lakeside School and Dementia UK.  That said, the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity was pipped to the post by just 1 point so funds from one of the fundraising events we hold this year will be donated to that charity.


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