We are very excited to announce that we will be welcoming girls into Little Lochies, Reception, and Years 1 and 2 from September 2025.

Growing up is a journey full of excitement, challenges, and pivotal moments. The transition from childhood to young adulthood is rarely straightforward, but ensuring that this change happens in a nurturing, familiar, and structured environment makes all the difference.  At Lochinver House, Years 7 and 8 are not just about academic progress, they are about personal growth, leadership, and readiness for the future.

In addition, when 11-year-olds are plunged into large secondary schools, sharing space with 18-year-olds, the contrast can be immense, and the risk is that younger pupils struggle to find their place.  By joining or staying at Lochinver House, your son will develop in a school where he is valued, where he belongs, and where he has the space to grow into the best version of himself.

The Benefits of Years 7 and 8 – More than Just Academics

Confidence, Leadership, and Responsibility

Being at the top of the school has its advantages!  In Years 7 and 8, boys step up as role models, embracing leadership positions such as Head Boy, House and Vice House Captain, Sports Captain, Leader of the Orchestra, Senior Orchestra Conductor, to name but a few. These roles are not just honorary titles, they come with responsibility.  In addition, mentoring younger pupils, leading by example, and demonstrating our Core Values – Honesty, Kindness and Respect – help the boys to grow into confident, mature young men.

Specialist Teaching with a Secondary School Approach

Our subject-specialist teachers bring experience from senior schools, ensuring that lessons challenge and inspire.  Small class sizes mean that each pupil receives personalised attention, enabling them to flourish academically.

A Love of Learning Beyond Exams

Education should be about more than just passing tests. Our Years 7 and 8 curriculum goes beyond the requirements of future GCSEs, sparking curiosity and creativity.  With more hands-on, practical learning experiences, whether it is science experiments, engaging history projects, or outdoor education, pupils develop a genuine passion for learning.

Enriching Experiences Beyond the Classroom

Trips, visiting experts, residentials, and workshops bring learning to life. These experiences cement classroom knowledge in ways that textbooks never can, ensuring that lessons are engaging, immersive, and unforgettable.

Pastoral Care That Guides Boys into Adulthood

By the time boys reach Years 7 and 8, the relationship between pupil and teacher shifts from child-adult to young adult-adult.  This transition fosters independence, responsibility, and self-discipline, preparing them for life beyond Lochinver House. Our outstanding pastoral care ensures that every pupil is supported, encouraged, and given the confidence to take on new challenges.

Where Do Our Boys Go – Destinations & Scholarships

Our track record speaks for itself. Year after year, our pupils leave us equipped with academic excellence, leadership skills, and the character to succeed. Many secure places at top senior schools, often with scholarships.   In fact, these senior schools report that Lochinver House pupils make a seamless transition into Year 8, with many going on to achieve some of the best results at GCSE.  Years 7 and 8 strengthens their position as standout candidates, giving them the best possible foundation for the next stage of their education.

The Best Start for a Bright Future

Years 7 and 8 at Lochinver House are an investment in your son’s future.  They provide the time, space, and support for him to grow into a confident, capable, and well-rounded young man.  Rather than rushing into the unknown at 11, he will step forward at 13 with maturity, readiness, and the tools to thrive.

Choosing Years 7 and 8 is the path that prepares our pupils for life.

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