We are very excited to announce that we will be welcoming girls into Little Lochies, Reception, and Years 1 and 2 from September 2025.

Beyond the Classroom

As the pupils reach the pinnacle of their journey through Lochinver House, opportunities to lead abound.  Pupils of all ages can represent their peers at School Council meetings, where they have opportunities to air their views.  We take the pupil voice very seriously.

School Council

Each year, one pupil from each class is nominated by their peers to represent them and their views at half termly School Council Meetings.  The meetings, hosted by the Headmaster and Deputy Headmaster, allow the pupils to have a real say in issues that directly affect them and to know that their opinions count.  Topics for discussion range from lunches to health and safety, from behaviour to teaching and learning and provide our young pupils with valuable lessons in democracy, citizenship and accountability.


Lochinver Environmental Organisation (LEO)

Our Lochinver Environment Organisation was set up in 2008.  Pupils representing LEO in Years 3 to 8 have recently been joined by Little LEOS, representatives from Reception to Year 2.  The aims of LEO are to promote sustainability from a local to a global scale and to encourage our whole community to practise living more sustainable lifestyles.


Themes of LEO have included Switch-Off fortnight to reduce electricity consumption, reducing litter in the school grounds, growing our own vegetables, reducing, reusing and recycling waste, banishing single use plastics from our School and using sustainable packaging for healthy break time snacks.






Charity Work

As part of our commitment to our local and wider community, Lochinver House raises funds for charities during the course of each year.

The major part of this is through our Year 8 Charities.  At the start of each academic year, a number of charities are presented at a whole school assembly by the Head Boys and other pupils in Year 8.  The School votes for the charities they would like to support.  The votes are counted and charities are selected.

In addition to our Year 8 Charities, other charities including the Royal British Legion and Children In Need are regularly supported.

As well as raising funds for worthy charities, pupils are encouraged to think about charitable acts towards other members of the community, including our own at Lochinver House.  Older pupils are encouraged to support younger pupils as reading buddies and to act as mentors and role models to their younger peers.


Optional Residential Trips

Lochinver House organises a range of optional residential trips which expose the older pupils to new cultures, foster independence and help them to identify their own unique strengths.

We are keen that every pupil should be given the opportunity to experience life and lessons beyond the classroom walls as a regular part of growing up. These experiences expand the horizons of the pupils, opening their eyes to the wonders of other countries including heritage, culture and adventure.

Pupils in Years 5 to 8 can join a football tour to Europe where they experience top class training from professional coaches.  Those in Years 6 to 8 can participate in a European Classics trip where the world of ancient mythology comes to life and our Year 7 and 8 pupils are given the opportunity to play bare foot rugby in South Africa, during a tour in which they experience hugely diverse cultures and ways of living.









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