We are very excited to announce that we will be welcoming girls into Little Lochies, Reception, and Years 1 and 2 from September 2025.

Our Education

Our aim is that every single pupil learns as much as they can, as well as they can through ambition and an education of high quality.   Solid academic foundations allow us the confidence to be forward looking, innovative and ambitious in our teaching. The world around us is exciting, demanding and rapidly changing and the greatest gifts we can give our pupils are a love of learning and of what is good. To learn both serves them through their whole education and in the years to come. So whether it’s in English or Science, Music or Maths, Humanities or Sport, we teach the pupils to develop a good set of core values, build secure and rigorous skills and apply themselves with enthusiasm, curiosity, and creativity. In doing so, the pupils aim high, do well and enjoy success!

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